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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


Care Info

On this page, you'll find numerous suitable care instructions for your niqabs and hijabs to help prolong their life, their wear, and overall quality!

Our care advice isn't just limited to garments from our store, but a wide variety of other trademark niqabs, and hijabs. Our tips even perform amazingly on khimars, burqas, and abayas!



Our most preferred and favourite way to wash niqabs is by far the easiest and quick to do. This method of cleaning is extremely suitable for sisters who have sensitive skin or sinus issues.


Step one:

Either lightly dampen (if spot cleaning) or completely drench your niqab in lukewarm water. If you're washing the whole garment take out of the water and ring a little bit of the water out for the next step. (Do not squeeze all the water out)


Step two:

Grab dish soap from the kitchen and add just the tiniest pea-sized amount! Be cautious not to use too much as dish soap is incredibly sudsy and will bubble a lot, resulting in a lengthy rinsing time.

(Extra tip: pour the pea-sized portion directly over the dirty area, especially if there are food stains or facial oils as this will help break down the dirt and oils even further)


Step three:

Lightly scrub the dirty area on your niqab or if you're washing the whole niqab, scrub all over! You won't need to scrub for long and you definitely won't need to scrub hard. Just a bit of light work in shaa Allah.


Step four:

Rinse your niqab (or any other garment you may be washing) back into lukewarm water. it can either be a bucket of water, a sink of water, or just a running tap... Whatever way, make sure you get all the soap out!


Step five:

Once all the soap is off, extract as much water as possible by ringing it. Remember, the more water you ring off the garment the quicker it is to dry!


Step six:

You can either chuck the niqab in the dryer for a few moments (we do recommend air drying over tumble drying for risk-free results), hang it on the line, or our favourite method is to lay it on a clean and dry flat surface. If you choose to hang or lay flat the niqab to dry, give it a few flicks beforehand. This eliminates all the crinkles that were created when ringing out the water. This step is crucial in helping keep timing short and helps you skip the tedious ironing/steaming step. If you've chucked it in the dryer, this step isn't necessary.


Why is laying the niqab flat our favourite method? 

The reason our favourite method is to lay the niqab flat is to keep the niqab in its best shape. Laying flat rather than hanging helps keep the eye-opening area in its original shape rather than stretching out over time. Laying flat also prevents A LOT of wrinkles.


How does this method help skin sensitivity and sinus issues?

A lot of washing detergents can cause skin irritations, yes... even the "sensitive kind". These irritations can cause rashes, inflammation, dryness, or even breakouts. Dish soap has less irritating ingredients or chemicals.

If you're someone who has super sensitive skin it's best to opt for a sensitive-friendly dish soap (if you haven't already).

In regards to sinus issues, washing detergents are heavy on fragrances. Having that shoved directly onto your face for some time can cause all sorts of sinus problems and irritations. Sticking to a pea-sized amount and/or fragrance-free dish soap will eliminate that hassle!


But Honey... This method isn't suitable for us?

Whether you've got a busy schedule, a hectic lifestyle or you're simply just not bothered to hand-wash your niqabs and hijabs... that's okay! You can still throw them in the washing machine. Just follow the do's & don'ts list for the most promising results!



  • Wash your garments in cold or lukewarm water and with similar colours. This prevents colour bleeding. 
  • Have them placed in a wash bag to prevent them from tangling up with or wrapping around other items in the machine. This also helps prolong the shape of the eye-opening and prevents frays and tears.
  • Have the machine running on a gentle cycle. Niqabs are delicate pieces. Make sure your washing machine cycle is set to accommodate its delicacy as other cycles may be too rough for it to handle.
  • Low-heat iron only or if you have a steamer, this is even better! If you're unsure whether the iron is still too hot, place a damp tea towel over the niqab and iron over that.



  • Do not wash in a hot cycle. While we have never experienced it (Alhamdulillah) some of our collection can be subject to colour bleeding. This is where the fabric dye leaks or "bleeds" onto other garments... Creating stains on your other items and in some cases, bleeding can be so strong it can disfigure the colour of the original garment.
  • Do not bleach. Even our Snow shade (white). Bleaching isn't always an appropriate method for cleaning or restoring whites to a bright white. Some bleaching agents can turn whites yellow! If you need to remove stains, please shop cautiously for the correct products suited to the fabrics and the colour of the items.
  • If possible, avoid ironing altogether! While we mention you can use a low-heat there is still a slight risk involved depending on the quality of your iron. Ironing may not always burn holes in your niqab, hijab, khimar, etc, but can in incredibly rare cases cause the material to stiffen, creating uncomfortable wear.